With Manacher’s Algorithm
* @param {string} s
* @return {number}
var longestPalindrome = function (s) {
let newS = '#';
for (const c of s) {
newS += c + '#';
let max = 0;
let idx = 0;
const P = new Array(newS.length).fill(0);
let r = 0;
let c = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < newS.length; i++) {
if (r < i) {
P[i] = 0;
} else if (r >= i) {
P[i] = Math.min(P[2 * c - i], r - i);
while (i - P[i] - 1 >= 0 && i + P[i] + 1 < newS.length && newS[i - P[i] - 1] === newS[i + P[i] + 1]) {
if (r < i + P[i]) {
r = i + P[i];
c = i;
if (max < P[i]) {
max = P[i];
idx = i;
return newS.substring(idx - max, idx + max + 1).replace(/#/g, '');
space: O(1) ⇒ O(n) if substring counted
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
var longestPalindrome = function(s) {
let max = [0, 1];
for (let i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i++) {
const odd = checkPalindrome(s, i, i);
const even = checkPalindrome(s, i, i + 1);
let localMax = odd;
if (odd[1] - odd[0] < even[1] - even[0]) {
localMax = even;
if (max[1] - max[0] < localMax[1] - localMax[0]) {
max = localMax;
return s.substring(max[0], max[1]);
function checkPalindrome(str, s, e) {
while (s >= 0 && e < str.length) {
if (str[s] !== str[e]) {
return [s + 1, e];