Suffix Trie Construction

  • recursive

// Do not edit the class below except for the
// populateSuffixTrieFrom and contains methods.
// Feel free to add new properties and methods
// to the class.
class SuffixTrie {
  constructor(string) {
    this.root = {};
    this.endSymbol = '*';

  // O(n^2) time | O(n^2) space: n is the length of string
  populateSuffixTrieFrom(string, idx = 0) {
    if (idx >= string.length) {
      return this.root;

    let node = this.root;
    for (let i = idx; i < string.length; i++) {
      const c = string[i];
      if (node[c] === undefined) node[c] = {};
      node = node[c];
    node[this.endSymbol] = true;
    return this.populateSuffixTrieFrom(string, idx + 1);

  // O(w) time | O(1) space: w is the length of string
  contains(string) {
    let node = this.root;
    for (const c of string) {
      if (node[c] === undefined) return false;
      node = node[c];
    return node[this.endSymbol] === true;


// Do not edit the line below.
exports.SuffixTrie = SuffixTrie
  • iteration

  // O(n^2) time | O(n^2) space: n is the length of string
  populateSuffixTrieFrom(string) {

    for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
	    let node = this.root;
			for (let j = i; j < string.length; j++) {
	      const c = string[j];
	      if (node[c] === undefined) node[c] = {};
	      node = node[c];
	    node[this.endSymbol] = true;
    return this.root;

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