Prim’s Algorithm
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let ans;
let visited;
function primsAlgorithm(edges) {
ans = [];
visited = new Array(edges.length).fill(0);
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < edges.length; vertex++) {
if (visited[vertex] !== 0) continue;
findMst(edges, vertex);
return ans;
function findMinIdx(arr) {
let min = Infinity;
let idx = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const [w, here, there] = arr[i];
if (min > w) {
min = w;
idx = i;
return idx;
function findMst(adjs, vertex) {
const arr = [];
const adj = adjs[vertex];
for (const [there, w] of adj) {
arr.push([w, vertex, there]);
visited[vertex] = 1;
while (arr.length > 0) {
const minIdx = findMinIdx(arr);
const [w, here, there] = arr.splice(minIdx, 1)[0];
if (visited[there] !== 0) continue;
ans[here] = ans[here] ?? [];
ans[here].push([there, w]);
ans[there] = ans[there] ?? [];
ans[there].push([here, w]);
for (const [next, w] of adjs[there] || []) {
if (visited[next] !== 0) continue;
arr.push([w, there, next]);
visited[there] = 1;
// Do not edit the line below.
exports.primsAlgorithm = primsAlgorithm;
time: O((E +V) * log) > O(ElogV) ElogV ⇒ 정점에 연결된 간선에 대해 각각 힙에 넣는 과정 VlogV ⇒ 매 정점마다 최소 간선 찾는 시간
Space: O(V + E)
let ans;
let visited;
function primsAlgorithm(edges) {
ans = [];
visited = new Array(edges.length).fill(0);
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < edges.length; vertex++) {
if (visited[vertex] !== 0) continue;
findMst(edges, vertex);
return ans;
function findMst(adjs, vertex) {
const minHeap = new MinHeap([], (a, b) => a[0] < b[0]);
const adj = adjs[vertex];
for (const [there, w] of adj) {
minHeap.insert([w, vertex, there]);
visited[vertex] = 1;
while (minHeap.size() > 0) {
const [w, here, there] = minHeap.remove();
if (visited[there] !== 0) continue;
ans[here] = ans[here] ?? [];
ans[here].push([there, w]);
ans[there] = ans[there] ?? [];
ans[there].push([here, w]);
for (const [next, w] of adjs[there] || []) {
if (visited[next] !== 0) continue;
minHeap.insert([w, there, next]);
visited[there] = 1;
class MinHeap {
constructor(arr = [], predicate = (a, b) => a < b) {
this.predicate = predicate;
this.heap = this.buildHeap(arr);
buildHeap(arr) {
let currentIdx = Math.floor((arr.length - 1 - 1) / 2);
while (currentIdx >= 0) {
this.siftDown(currentIdx, arr.length - 1);
return arr;
siftDown(heap, currentIdx, endIdx) {
let left = currentIdx * 2 + 1;
while (left <= endIdx) {
const right = currentIdx * 2 + 2;
let minIdx = left;
if (heap[right] !== undefined && !this.predicate(heap[left], heap[right])) {
minIdx = right;
if (this.predicate(heap[currentIdx], heap[minIdx])) {
this.swap(heap, currentIdx, minIdx);
currentIdx = minIdx;
left = currentIdx * 2 + 1;
siftUp(heap, currentIdx) {
let parentIdx = Math.floor((currentIdx -1) / 2);
while (parentIdx >= 0) {
if (this.predicate(heap[currentIdx], heap[parentIdx])) {
this.swap(heap, currentIdx, parentIdx);
currentIdx = parentIdx;
parentIdx = Math.floor((currentIdx -1) / 2);
} else {
insert(v) {
this.siftUp(this.heap, this.heap.length - 1);
remove() {
this.swap(this.heap, 0, this.heap.length - 1);
const elementToRemove = this.heap.pop();
this.siftDown(this.heap, 0, this.heap.length - 1);
return elementToRemove;
size() {
return this.heap.length;;
swap(arr, a, b) {
[arr[a], arr[b]] = [arr[b], arr[a]];
return arr;
// Do not edit the line below.
exports.primsAlgorithm = primsAlgorithm;