Min Max Stack Construction

  • 1, 1

// Feel free to add new properties and methods to the class.
class MinMaxStack {

  constructor() {
    this.stack = []; 
    this.minMax = [];
    this.min = Infinity;
    this.max = -Infinity;
  peek() {
    return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];

  pop() {
    return this.stack.pop();

  push(number) {
    const nextMinMax = [Math.min(this.getMin(), number), Math.max(this.getMax(), number)];

  getMin() {
    return this.getMinMax()[0];

  getMax() {
    return this.getMinMax()[1];

  getMinMax() {
    const minMax = this.minMax[this.minMax.length - 1];    
    if (minMax === undefined) return [Infinity, -Infinity];
    return minMax;

// Do not edit the line below.
exports.MinMaxStack = MinMaxStack;

Last updated