Detect Cycle with Disjoint-set Union Find

use Union Find data structure to find a cycle

Note: This method assumes that the graph doesn’t contain any self-loops.

Undirected graph

 * @param {number} n
 * @param {number[][]} adj
 * @return {number} 

// with disjoint set
// undirected graph
// no self loop
class Solution {
        * n = 5;
        * adj = 
        * [
        *   [ 2, 3, 4 ], 
        *   [ 3 ], 
        *   [ 0, 4 ], 
        *   [ 0, 1 ], 
        *   [ 0, 2 ] 
        * ];
        //   console.log(n, adj);
       this.parents = [];
       this.ranks = [];
       for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       const visited = {};
       for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
           const here = i;
           const arr = adj[i];
           for (const there of arr) {
            const hasSameRoot = this.unionIfNotConnected(here, there);
            if (!hasSameRoot) {
                visited[there] = here;
            // hasSameRoot === true
            // check reverse is visited directly, if true, directly connected then ok
            // 이전에 there -> here 로 연결된 적이 있나요?
            // 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0 으로 두 번 변경 되는게 정상
            // 2 -> 4로 가는 간선인데 root 가 같은데 4 -> 2 가 존재 하지 않으면? cycle
            const isDirectlyConnected = visited[here] === there; 
            // console.log(':: ', here, there, hasSameRoot, visited, isDirectlyConnected);
            if (!isDirectlyConnected) {
                return 1;
        return 0;
    createSet(v) {
        this.parents[v] = v;
        this.ranks[v] = 1;
    find(v) {
        if (this.parents[v] === undefined) 
        // root found
        let root = v;
        while (root !== this.parents[v]) {
            root = this.parents[v];
        // pass compression
        while (root !== v) {
            const newV = this.parents[v];
            this.parents[v] = root;
            v = newV;
        return root;
    unionIfNotConnected(v1, v2) {
        const root1 = this.parents[v1];
        const root2 = this.parents[v2];
        if (root1 === undefined || root2 === undefined) {
            throw new Error('illegal arguments exception');
        if (root1 === root2) {
            return true;
        const rank1 = this.ranks[root1];
        const rank2 = this.ranks[root2];
        if (rank1 >= rank2) {
            this.parents[root2] = root1;
            this.ranks[root1] += this.ranks[root2];
        } else {
            this.parents[root1] = root2;
            this.ranks[root2] = this.ranks[root1];
        return false;

Directed Graph

Not possible

Use DFS with 3 colors (not visited, visiting in current cycle, visited before)

Last updated